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2024-01-26 00:20:17
美[nətælɪti]  英[nətælɪti]
n.  出生率
sp.  =birthrate.


  1. the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year


  1. Margarida : Vou preparar as coisas para o Natal. 我将会准备圣诞节的东西。
  2. Whats more, Chiron conjuncts your natal Mars and trines Pluto. 在你命盘中,还存在着另一个重要的相位,那就是凯龙星合火星同时拱冥王。
  3. Trelawneys astrology is natal or genethiliacal astrology. 特劳里妮的占星术是依据出生日期所进行的占星。
  4. The country with I visited most was Natal, Recife and Joao Pessoa. 用你在本课学到的词汇,描述你住酒店的时间: 你是出差还是度假?
  5. When the natal day arrived,there was my letter or telegram. What a hit it made! 当那人接到贺函,或是贺电时,他是多幺高兴。
  6. Reduction of competition for food stimulates both natality and survival. 食物竞争的减少,刺激了出生率和存活力。