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2024-01-26 00:31:17
美[nætʃ]  英[nætʃ]
adv.  <俚>当然地; 自然地


  1. He was wearing the latest T-shirt, natch. 当然啦,他穿着最新款式的 T 恤衫。
  2. My brother had a natch trip on a banana peel. 我兄弟从香蕉皮中体验到了吸毒后的快感。
  3. I saw thee smile,the sapphires blaze,beside thee ceased to shine,it cduld not natch the living rave,that filld that qlance of thine. 我见过你笑;连这宝石的光芒;也因你而失色;它怎能比得上在你凝视的眼神中;闪现的灵活光彩.
  4. Assuming the scheduling can be worked out this time around, Hanson wants the star of this summers indie smash (500) Days of Summer to play (natch) a relative of Brennans. 权责声明:本站所有音视频资源均来自网络,仅供学习使用,不涉及任何商业盈利目的。如遇媒体播放失效,敬请谅解。
  5. Natch, you can borrow my car. 是的,你可以借我的车开。
  6. 264 (natch) and presumably Quicktime. 档案格式 MPEG-4 h.