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2024-01-26 00:32:17
美[neɪtiːz]  英[neɪtiːz]
n.  [解]臀部


  1. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on;

    "he deserves a good kick in the butt" "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"


  1. Nate: Eve, why do you look so weird? 你怎么看起来那么怪呀?
  2. Nate: Yes. He met you at the Carnival last month. 妮特:对啊,上个月的狂欢节上他见过你。
  3. Nate: Shes right Serena, none ofus are saints. 她是对的。我们之前没有圣人。
  4. Nates pa: I can hardly contain my joy. 我无法抑制自己的狂喜。
  5. Nate comes in. Hes carrying a few dozen eggs. (奈特进来,拿着几打鸡蛋。)
  6. Young Nate, Shay, Melody &Soundbwoy Ent.)(Prod. 首页 >欧美歌手 >Ironik > Mum(Ft.