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2024-01-26 00:39:16
美[næʃənəlaɪz]  英[næʃənəlaɪz]
vt.  收归国有; 使 ... 国家获得独立


  1. make national in character or scope;

    "His heroic deeds were nationalized by the press"

  2. put under state control or ownership;

    "Mitterand nationalized the banks"


  1. Is it time to nationalise Citigroup and Bank of America? 是时候将花旗银行和美国银行国有化了吗?
  2. Britains government at last decides to nationalise Northern Rock. Now what? 英国政府最终决定国有化北岩银行,这又怎样?
  3. The Games themselves were superbly run. The BBC was teetering on the brink of overblown nationali, however. 伦敦巴士的演出特别垃圾,音乐很糟糕,所有一切都带着流行文化时代的味道。
  4. Venezuela is planning to nationalise its biggest electricity group, now majority-owned by AES, an American power company. 委内瑞拉计划将其最大的电力集团国有化,目前该集团由美国的一家电力公司AES控股。
  5. Oil and gas are todays issues following President Moraless decision to nationalise the energy industry. 由于莫拉莱斯总统做出能源产业国有化的决定,石油和天然气成了现在的主要问题。
  6. Having decided to nationalise, the government may yet face even tougher decisions. 虽然政府已经决定将北岩银行国有化,它们可能会面临更艰难的选择。