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2024-01-26 00:50:17
美[neɪtɪvlɪ]  英[neɪtɪvlɪ]
adv.  生来地;天然地


  1. Your friends speak English very natively! 你的朋友说的英语很地道啊!
  2. Will the game run natively on Windows Vista? 我们将在临近发布日期时公开具体系统要求细节.
  3. Ogg-Vorbis files can be natively played by Winamp. ogg - vorbis文件可以natively所发挥的Winamp中。
  4. It is not natively as rigid as it seems. 它并不天生就象它看来的那么僵硬。
  5. So how are we going to make natively compiled GUI applications? 因此,我们现在将如何建立本机编译的GUI应用程序呢?
  6. Five hundred applications and file formats are natively supported. 五百种程序和文件格式本地地被支持。