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2024-01-26 00:51:16
美[neɪtɪvɪzəm]  英[neɪtɪvɪzəm]
n.  先天论;天性论;土著保护政策
  形容词:nativistic  名词:nativist


  1. the policy of perpetuating native cultures (in opposition to acculturation)
  2. (philosophy) the philosophical theory that some ideas are innate


  1. Therefore China"s eco-ethic must follow the nativism way. 因此,中国生态伦理必须走本土化的建设之路。
  2. This special situation has advanced the development of cultural nativism. 这种特殊的情势,也强化了文化本土化的进展。
  3. "Nativism" or "Localization" has been one of Taiwans most important cultural trends since 1990s. 摘要“本土论”或“本土化”是上世纪90年代以来台湾地区最重要的文化思潮之一。
  4. But then the Republican-dominated House wrecked the whole thing in a fit of crude nativism. 但是,其后,共和党主导的众议院却因为一时的本土主义思想而将整个计划都全盘否定。
  5. At every turn the choice lies between openness and protectionism, between multiculturalism and nativism, between engagement and isolationism. 而在社会保障网络上,则如其他欧盟伙伴一样承担起自己的责任。
  6. While Catholicism and Christianism continued to infiltrate through the country society and enlarge the influence by the nativism. 相反,天主教和基督教却因为“本色化”运动的展开,不断向农村社会中渗透,并不断扩大其对农村社会变迁的影响力。