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2024-01-26 01:21:17
美[neɪtʃərəpæθ]  英[neɪtʃərəpæθ]
n.  自然疗者;理疗家


  1. a therapist who practices naturopathy


  1. Written in conjunction with a leading edge naturopath from Australia. 书面联同一个 领先naturopath来自澳大利亚。
  2. Leading naturopath shows how to su percharge your immune system and fight infections with out relying on antibi otics. 自然疗法专家告诉你如何抛开抗生素、利用自身的免疫系统来治疗感染。
  3. My mother is naturopath, she advised me to take these products which are a basic supply as recovery. 我母亲是自然疗法师,她劝告我食用这些产品来帮助我恢复。
  4. Nearly half of them said they had consulted with a complementary therapy proider, such as a chiropractor, acupuncturist, or naturopath. 近一半人说他们请教了互补治疗的提供者,如脊椎指压治疗法,针灸或理疗。
  5. Just to make my life more difficult, my wife urged me to see her naturopath and have a blood test to find my food sensitivities. 只是为了使我过得更为艰难,我老婆强烈要求我看她的自然疗法医生[注释2],进行了一次血液测试来找出我的食物过敏性。
  6. Our naturopath will also give me regular IVs of vitamins and trace minerals that may be low due to training, competing, traveling and stress. 我们的自然疗法医生也会给我静脉注射的[注释5]维他命,跟踪一些矿物质的含量,这些矿物质可能因为训练、比赛和压力而含量过低。