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2024-01-26 01:30:17
美[nɔːpliːəs]  英[nɔːpliːəs]
n.  甲壳类动物的幼虫形式之一;无节幼体
  形容词:nauplial  名词复数:nauplii


  1. With the forming of the antennula, the egg nauplius stage is identified. 在小触角原基产生后,胚胎发育 进入卵内无节幼体期。
  2. Nauplius, protozoea and zoea can be further divided into 4, 3 and 2 substages, respectively. 各期又可分成无节幼体四期、蚤状幼体三期及糠虾二期。
  3. Larval stages could be divided into four stages: nauplius, protozea, zoea and postlarva. 幼体的发育可分成四期:无节幼体、蚤状幼体、糠虾及仔虾。
  4. When it was 13 days old,the bait would changed to nauplius of Artemia and baby-size Cladocera、Copepoda. 13日龄后的仔鱼开始陆续投喂卤虫无节幼体和小型的枝角类、桡足类等。
  5. In the course of development, the invagination of stomodeum occurs earlier than that of proctodeum at the third and the sixth nauplius stages respectively. 在发育过程中,口凹是在第三期无节幼虫时内陷形成,而原肛是在第六期无节幼虫时内陷形成的,所以口凹的发生早于原肛的发生。
  6. The artificially synthetic oligonucleotides probe of the trachealess gene of Artemia sinica with the mark of FITC has found out that trachealess gene is expressed in the salt gland of the back head of the nauplius. 人工合成带有FITC标记的卤虫trh基因(trachealess gene)寡核苷酸探针,检测到trh基因在卤虫无节幼体的头部背面盐腺中表达。