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2024-01-26 01:38:16
美[nɔːtʃ]  英[nɔːtʃ]
n.  舞蹈


  1. an intricate traditional dance in India performed by professional dancing girls


  1. Awsome! I hope you could see that nautch too. 太好了.;希望你也能去看那场舞蹈表演
  2. I ate much delicious food,went to a concert,watched movies,climbed mountains and went sightseeing too. Oh, I almost forget it. I watched a nice nautch. 我吃了很多美味的食物;听音乐会;看电影;爬山;还有观光.;哦;我差点忘了!我看了一场很精彩的舞蹈表演
  3. I would proffer the most exquisite oblations of flowery banners, garlands, as well as nautch, music, scented ointments, and canopies, for veneration of all Buddhas. 以诸最胜妙华鬘,伎乐涂香及伞盖,如是最胜庄严具,我以供养诸如来。
  4. Discussing the Aesthetic Appreciation of the Meishans Folk Lion Nautch, Light Art and Their Ellogy 梅山民间舞狮、灯艺及其赞词之艺术分析
  5. nautch girl 表演舞女