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2024-01-26 02:46:17
美  英
n.  [化]元素钕的符号
abbr.  无日期(=no date)


  1. a yellow trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; occurs in monazite and bastnasite in association with cerium and lanthanum and praseodymium
  2. a state of north central United States bordering on Canada


  1. A nd give us strength to help those in need. 给我们坚强去帮助那些需要的.
  2. Nd... oh, its too complicated to explain! 他已经跟她结了婚,可她又爱上他姐夫,而且...哎,太乱了,说不清。
  3. Our team had a hot streak going in the2 nd quarter. 我们队在第2节的(球)赛中状态不错。
  4. Its upstairs. Its on the 2 nd floor. 在楼上,在二楼。
  5. Lets. nd a buffet with moderate prices. 我们找一家价格适中的自助式餐馆。
  6. There was a hold-up at the bank over on nd street. 在第二大街的银行里发生了一起抢劫案。