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2024-01-26 03:01:16
美[niːp]  英[niːp]
adj.  小潮的;最低潮的
n.  (月上弦和下弦时的)小潮(=neap tide)


  1. a less than average tide occurring at the first and third quarters of the moon


  1. Neap tides occur during quarter moons. 小潮涨潮期间发生季度卫星。
  2. Neap tides are especially weak tides. 小潮涨潮尤其弱潮汐。
  3. The saltwater moves upstream during neap and downstream during spring tide. 盐水在小潮期间向上游推进,在大潮期间向下游推移。
  4. And those moment as it happens is the neap in his life, the saddest when.. 而且那些时候都正好是他生命中最低潮;最难过的时候...
  5. Neap tides: Tides of small range occur when the moon is at its first or last quarter. 小潮:出现在每个月上弦或下弦时期,潮差特别小的潮汐。
  6. The maximum current speed and SSC occour during spring ebb, and the minimum one occours during neap flood. 最大流速和含沙量都发生在大潮落潮,最小流速和含沙量都发生在小潮涨潮。