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2024-01-26 03:09:17
美[nɪəʃoʊr]  英[nɪəʃɔː(r)]
adj.  (研究)近岸水域的


  1. Cnoidal wave theory can discrible the nearshore wave characters preferably. 椭圆余弦波理论能较好地描述浅水区的波浪形态和运动特征。
  2. GCM A Compact, Low-Cost GPS Drifter for Use in the Oceanic Nearshore Zone, Lakes, and Estuaries. 一个简单低成本近海区域、湖泊和河口。
  3. They were formedby the.synsedimentary fallout ash alteration in the nearshore peat swamp and march environment. 它们是在近岸泥炭沼泽或沼泽环境中由同期降落的火山灰蚀变而成。
  4. A nearshore subaqueous fan sandbody is an important oil-gas reservoir sandbody in the terrigerous oil basins of China. 近岸水下扇储集砂体是中国陆相含油气盆地碎屑岩储集体的重要组成部分。
  5. Companies will want to check quality management all the way down their supply chains, whether onshore, offshore or nearshore. 企业还会希望检查整个供应链上的质量管理情况,无路是在岸、离岸或是近岸。”
  6. The data says that companies are leaving China for onshore or nearshore sources, but it remains dominant as a supply center. 数据说明许多公司离开中国到近岸,但这仍然不能否定中国在供应中心的主导作用。