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2024-01-26 03:25:17
美  英
n.  内布拉斯加人
adj.  内布拉斯加的


  1. a native or resident of Nebraska


  1. Mr. Altman, who has negotiated previous deals with Mr. Buffett, said deals with the Nebraskan billionaire always move fast. 阿尔特曼曾在以前的交易中跟巴菲特谈判过,他说,跟这位亿万富翁做生意进展总是很快。
  2. He is also setting an example to those, such as his friend, Warren Buffett, historys richest Nebraskan, who look likely to leave the task to someone else. 而有些人,像盖茨的朋友沃伦巴菲特,是最富有的内布拉斯加州人,他们这些人似乎要把慈善事业留给其他人去做。盖茨为他们树立了一个榜样。
  3. Armed with that insight, Warren Buffett, a Nebraskan investor who claims to have been "wired at birth to allocate capital", this week allocated the biggest chunk of philanthropic capital in history. 在这样的注视下,沃伦·巴菲特,一个内布拉斯加的投资者,曾经宣称很兴奋能在活着的时候把财产分配出去的人,这周捐出了历史上最大块的慈善资金。
  4. With the Nebraskan billions to add to $30 billion of their own, Bill and Melinda Gates will be in charge of a foundation the size of a multinational company such as Disney, Dell or Honda. 有了巴菲特的亿万捐助加上他们自己的300亿美元,比尔和美林达-盖茨管理基金会的规模将相当于迪斯尼、戴尔或者本田等跨国公司。
  5. Armed with that insight, Warren Buffett, a Nebraskan investor who claims to have been “wired at birth to allocate capital”, this week allocated the biggest chunk of philanthropic capital in history. 顿悟之余,沃伦巴菲特,一位自称“一下生就急不可待地进行资本配置”的内布拉斯加州投资者,于本周调配了史上最大的一笔慈善资金。
  6. With the Nebraskan billions to add to $30 billion of their own, Bill and Melinda Gates will bein charge of a foundation the size of a multinational company such as Disney, Dell or Honda. 内布拉斯加人的几百亿美金,加上他们自己的300亿美金,比尔和梅林达将要掌控一个规模相当于迪士尼、戴尔、本田这样的跨国公司的组织。