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2024-01-26 03:31:17
美[nɪbjuːlɪəm]  英[nɪbjuːlɪəm]
n.  云


  1. Rothschild: Energy conversion at Nebulium Tower is dropping. “星岩之塔”的能量转换停止了。
  2. Musashi: Wait. What makes you think shes at Nebulium Tower? 武藏:等等。你为何觉得她在“星岩之塔”?
  3. Mirabo: Hi, Musashi! Listen. Ive decided to head to Nebulium Tower. 武藏!听着。我决定去“星岩之塔”。
  4. It took only a matter of weeks for mysterium to share the fate of its optical brothers, nebulium and coronium. 只过了几星期的时间,该所谓奇醇之物就遭到了与它光学弟兄?旌碗赐0样的命运。