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2024-01-26 03:33:16
美[nebjəˌlaɪzə]  英[nebjʊlaɪzə]
n.  喷雾器


  1. a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine mist


  1. Consistent flow rate from nebulizer to nebulizer. 在雾化器间提供持续稳定的流通速率。
  2. Plug the flow regulator into the wall and attach the nebulizer. 将气流调节器插头接通墙上电源,并连接喷雾器。
  3. Plug the flow regulator into the wall and attach the nebulizer . 将气流调节器插头接通墙上电源,并连接喷雾器。
  4. The sample is introduced as an aerosol by use of a nebulizer or atomizer. 通过使用雾化器或原子化器,样品以气溶胶的形式引入。
  5. Flowmeters, controls, and nebulizer are mounted on a recessed panel. 流量计、控制器和雾化器都固定在箱内的面板上。
  6. I asked her to breathe the mist for 10 minutes and placed a sputum cup on the counter next to the nebulizer. 我让她雾化吸入10分钟,把一个痰杯紧挨着雾化仪放在柜台上。