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2024-01-26 03:45:17
美[nəsesətəs]  英[nɪsesɪtəs]
adj.  贫困的;急需的


  1. poor enough to need help from others


  1. A young man negligent, an old man necessitous. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
  2. The bishop planned to visit necessitous areas of the city. 主教打算走访城市里的贫困地区。
  3. We must reserve the necessitous of life and the supplies of earthquake relief. 我们必须储备生活必需品和抗震救灾物资。
  4. The time which was left to him from the afflicted,the sick,and the necessitous,he devoted to work. 在痛苦和贫病的人之后留下的时间,他用在劳动上。
  5. True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence, and necessitous men are not free men. 真正的个人自由在没有经济安全和独立的情况下,是不存在的,贫者无自由。
  6. The necessitous thing now is get up stream at once, and put full enthusiasm into the study and work. 现在最紧迫的就是要马上振作起来,用饱满的激情投入到学习和工作中去。