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2024-01-26 04:13:16
美[nekrɒfəgəs]  英[nekrɒfəgəs]
adj.  吃腐尸的


  1. The present paper gives the key to the third stage larvae of the most common necrophagous flies,including 11 species,belonging to 4 families. 本文提供上海地区最常见嗜尸性蝇类三龄幼虫图解检索表,共4科11种。
  2. Hwang, C. 2004. Urban Ecology of Necrophagous Flies in Greater London . Ph. D. thesis, Department of Life Sciences, King s College London, University of London . 303 pp. 谢伯娟、黄重期、吴书平,2006。台湾蜗牛图鑑,第二版,农委会林务局,台北,277页。
  3. Molecular identification of five common species of necrophagous flies in China 五种常见嗜尸性蝇类的分子鉴定
  4. Key to the third stage larvae of the most common necrophagous flies in Shanghai 上海地区最常见嗜尸性蝇类三龄幼虫图解检索表
  5. The species and distribution of the necrophagous flies in Guizhou Province 贵州省尸食性蝇类的种类和分布
  6. The activity and oviposition behavior in common four necrophagous fly specie 四种常见尸食性蝇类活动与产卵习性