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2024-01-26 04:21:17
美[nekrɑːpsi]  英[nekrɒpsi]
n.  尸体剖解
vt.  验尸


  1. an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease


  1. Methods The necropsy for 101 cases death neonates. 方法对101例死亡新生儿进行尸检。
  2. At necropsy the respiratory system is severely affected. 剖检可见呼吸系统有严重感染。
  3. Necropsy of the fetus reveals autolysis which is nonspecific. 胎儿尸检显示非特异性自溶现象。
  4. At necropsy the heart weight is usually well above average. 尸检时,可发现心脏重量大大超过平均重量。
  5. At necropsy the heart weight is usually well above average . 尸检时,可发现心脏重量大大超过平均重量。
  6. Early rigor mortis and rapid autolysis indicate the need for prompt necropsy examinations. 早期尸僵和迅速自溶解提醒必须迅速进行剖检。