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2024-01-26 04:33:16
美[nektəriːn]  英[nektəriːn]
n.  油桃


  1. variety or mutation of the peach bearing fruit with smooth skin and (usually) yellow flesh
  2. a variety or mutation of the peach that has a smooth skin


  1. CST induced cold tolerance in nectarine fruits . 冷激处理诱导了油桃的耐冷性。
  2. Cut that nectarine into four pieces and then take out the pit. 把那颗油桃切成四片,再取出果核。
  3. By Yo of cross of which kinds of fruit is nectarine become? 油桃是由哪种水果杂交育成的?
  4. Nectarine, apricot and mango have a large pit in the middle. 油桃,杏子和芒果的中间有一个大果核。
  5. Bliss is the Form of God who is eternal, unsullied and nectarine. 至福是不灭的,无瑕的,如琼浆般甘甜的神的化身。
  6. For nothing, resemble nectarine in that way, what fruit be? Can you eat? 一个白白的,像油桃那样的,是什么水果?能吃吗?