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2024-01-26 04:42:16
美[niːd]  英[niːd]
v.  需要;必需
n.  需要;必要;缺乏
aux.  需要,必须(无时态、人称变化,后与不带 to 的动词不定式连用,多用于疑问句和否定句)
  过去式:needed  过去分词:needed  现在分词:needing  第三人称单数:needs


  1. 需要,必须,有…必要,一定
  2. 生活穷困
  3. 尽可
  4. 发疯
  1. 需求,要求,迫切要求
  2. 需要,必要,特别需要 ,必须
  3. 贫穷,困窘
  4. 必要之物,需用的东西
  5. 危急
  6. 缺乏,不足,短缺
  7. 危急的时候, 一旦有事的时候
  8. 欲望
  1. <罕><废>必须的,需要的
  1. <罕>必须地


  1. vt. 需要; 必须 want; require; deserve
  1. 必须 have to
  1. [U]需要,需求 the condition in which sth necessary desirable, or very useful is missing, wanted
  2. [U]责任,必要 necessary duty, what must be done
  3. [P]需要的东西 sth one wants or must have
  4. [U]贫穷; 困窘 the state of not having enough food or money


  1. a condition requiring relief;

    "she satisfied his need for affection" "God has no need of men to accomplish His work" "there is a demand for jobs"

  2. anything that is necessary but lacking;

    "he had sufficient means to meet his simple needs" "I tried to supply his wants"

  3. the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior;

    "we did not understand his motivation" "he acted with the best of motives"

  4. a state of extreme poverty or destitution;

    "their indigence appalled him" "a general state of need exists among the homeless"

  1. require as useful, just, or proper;

    "It takes nerve to do what she did" "success usually requires hard work" "This job asks a lot of patience and skill" "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice" "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert" "This intervention does not postulate a patients consent"

  2. have need of;

    "This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner"

  3. have or feel a need for;

    "always needing friends and money"


  1. need clothes需要衣服
  2. need education需要受教育
  3. need food需要食物
  4. need help需要帮助
  5. need money需要钱
  6. need rice需要大米
  7. need water需要水
  1. need critically极为重要地需要
  2. need desperately不顾一切地需要
  3. need directly直接地需要
  4. need economically经济上地需要
  5. need genuinely真正地需要
  6. need horribly惊人地需要
  7. need imperatively紧急地需要
  8. need sorely非常需要
  9. need spiritually精神上需要
  10. need urgently强烈地需要
  1. need for为…而需要
  2. need in在…需要
  1. create need创造需求
  2. fill ones needs满足自己的需要
  3. fit〔meet〕 the needs适合〔适应〕需要
  4. have need to必须,需要
  5. have no need of不需要
  6. minister to sbs needs满足某人的需要
  1. basic need基本需要
  2. daily〔everyday〕 needs日常必需品
  3. feminine needs妇女必需品
  4. great need急需
  5. material needs物质需求
  6. personal〔spiritual〕 need个人〔精神〕需求
  7. pressing〔universal〕 need迫切〔普遍〕的需要
  8. psychological〔physical〕 need心理〔身体〕上的需求
  9. short-term need短期需要
  10. unfulfilled need未满足的需求
  1. emergency needs紧急需求
  2. talent needs人才的需要
  1. according to the need根据需要
  2. at need紧急时
  3. below needs不能满足需要
  4. in need迫切需要


  1. You look tired. You need a good rest.你看来累了。你需要好好休息一下。
  2. If I need you to come and help, Ill call you.如果我需要你来帮忙,我会打电话的。
  3. If the ground is too dry, then you need to water it.如果地面太干燥,那么你就需要给它浇浇水。
  4. You need some warm clothes for the winter.冬天来了,你必需准备一些保暖衣物。
  5. I need to spend more time studying.我必需花更多时间来学习。
  1. The doctor told me I was in need of a good rest.医生对我说,我需要好好休息。
  2. I dont have the need for such an expensive car like that.我还不需要一辆那么昂贵的汽车。
  3. I feel a need to talk to you about it.我觉得有必要跟你谈谈那件事。
  4. There isnt much need for further research.没有多大必要进行进一步研究。
  5. We are collecting money for children in need.我们在为贫困儿童募捐。
  6. My neighbors helped me a lot in my time of need.我的邻居在我缺衣少食的日子里帮了我很多忙。


    need用作实义动词的基本意思是缺少急切需要的东西,强调急需。 need是及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。 need用作实义动词时,可用于肯定句、否定句、疑问句等各种句式,有动词的全部变化形式。
    need用作情态动词时没有人称、时态及语态的变化,后面须接不带to的动词不定式一起用作谓语,表示“必须,必要”。一般只用于否定句或疑问句中,也可用于含有否定意味的肯定句中。 need not后可接动词不定式的被动式、进行时及完成时。当接动词不定式的完成式时常表示“做了本来不必做的事情”。
    need用作名词作“需要,需求”解时,其后常接介词for或of短语作其定语,当表示“责任,必要”时,其后常接动词不定式。 need的复数形式needs可以表示多种需要。