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2024-01-26 07:29:16
美[ˌniːoʊneɪtɒlədʒiː]  英[niːəʊnətɒlədʒɪ]
n.  [医]新生儿(科)学


  1. that branch of pediatric medicine concerned with the newborn; the diagnosis and treatment of neonates


  1. Scientific study for basic and clinical science in related to neonatology. 但是,我确能预见,有朝一日名临床学科能在其知识基础上共享一席。
  2. Neonatology on the Web - variety of clinical and historical information for neonatologists and pediatricians. Includes free job registry. 为新生儿科学家和儿科医生提供的多种临床及历史信息,包括职业注册。
  3. Conclusions With the cooperation of obstetrics, ultrasound, neonatology, and surgery, interventional fetal treatment will be performed more effecti... 结论在多学科合作下的宫内介入性治疗将提高围产医学的诊疗水平。
  4. From July 2002 to October 2002, Society of Neonatology, R.O.C. held six one-day seminars on the topic of breastfeeding in four districts in Taiwan. 民国九十一年七月到十月间,中华民国新生儿科医学会在台湾北中南东四区共办理六场为期一天的母乳哺育研习会。
  5. T opics in Paediatrics include neonatology, cardiology, haematology, oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology and immunology. 儿科课题包括初生婴儿,心脏,血液,癌症,内分泌,肠胃,免疫等学术的研究。
  6. The profit will be entirely given to the Milan Foundation, which is trying to build a Neonatology and Intensive Therapy department at the Holy Family Hospital, at Nazareth. 所得善款将捐赠给米兰基金会,用于在神圣家庭医院建立一个新生儿强化治疗部。