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2024-01-26 07:48:17
美[niːɒtənɪ]  英[niːɒtɪnɪ]
n.  [动] 性早熟;幼态持续


  1. an evolutionary trend to be born earlier so that development is cut off at an earlier stage and juvenile characteristics are retained in adults of the species


  1. The juvenile stages and neoteny observed by him may also be explained in this way. 他所看到的幼态阶段和幼态成熟也可利用这种方法来解释。
  2. The incidence of neoteny is increasing in some cities.It doubts that neoteny is related to hormone fruit. 当前儿童性早熟发病率不断增高,怀疑与儿童食用过多的激素水果有关。
  3. Man himself was, according to Bolk, a typical case of evolution by retention of juvenile characteristics (neoteny). 根据博克的研究,人类自已保留幼态特征,是进化的一个典型例子(幼态持续)。
  4. Keywords Plant hormone;Neoteny;Environment; 植物激素;性早熟;环境;
  5. The juvenile stages and neoteny observed by him may also be explained in this way 他所看到的幼态阶段和幼态成熟也可利用这种方法来解释。
  6. 16. The juvenile stages and neoteny observed by him may also be explained in this way. 他所看到的幼态阶段和幼态成熟也可利用这种方法来解释。