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2024-01-26 08:02:17
美[nɪpenθɪ]  英[nɪpenθɪ]
n.  (据传说古希腊人用的)忘忧药;解忧烦之物


  1. Viewed from a distance, the island of Nepenthe like a cloud. 从远处眺望,尼彭西岛就像一朵云。
  2. Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore! 这忘忧药能中止你对失去的丽诺尔的思念;
  3. Respite-respite and Nepenthe(6) from thy memories of Lenore! 这忘忧药能终止你对失去的丽诺尔的思念;
  4. The book progresses through several characters along with Nepenthe. 那本书令众多的角色来到勒彭尼面前。
  5. When it was viewed from a distance the island of Nepenthe looked like a cloud. 复合句->从远处眺望时,尼彭西岛就象一朵云。
  6. Nepenthe Lo (AECON Yr 3), President of the Organizing Committee was moved to see the programme came to a successful end and that HKBU students did care about the world. 筹委会主席卢骏铭 (应用经济学三年级) 很开心看到饥馑十二圆满结束,但更开心的是发现浸大学生愿意关心世界。