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2024-01-26 08:09:16
美[nefəlɪn]  英[nefəlɪn]
n.  霞石
  形容词:nephelinic  异体字:nephelite


  1. a whitish mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate or potassium aluminum silicate in crystalline form; used in the manufacture of ceramics and enamels


  1. An igneous rock consisting chiefly of pyroxene and nepheline. 霞岩主要由辉石和霞石组成的火成岩
  2. Top view park, in chongqing, WuDou frolic qiantang river, the huangpu river mouth nepheline mist. 恒山顶上观天,钱塘江中弄潮,雾都重庆雾低,黄浦江口霞高。
  3. In this paper, the authors reviewed the development and research status of nepheline syenite in Gejiu in the last 44 years. 综述了44年来个旧白云山霞石正长岩开发利用研究的基本情况。
  4. Wadeite is paragenic with aegirine, nepheline, arfredsonite, microcline and apatite, and associated with natrolite, rinkite and cancrinite. 与钠沸石、层硅铈钛矿、钙霞石等伴生.
  5. Using nepheline syenite as a substitute for feldspar,the batch mixtures were prepared on a composition of float glass and are melted into glasses. 以霞石正长岩取代长石,按照浮法玻璃的成份制备配合料并熔制玻璃。
  6. As a representative alkaline aggregate, nepheline was selected and the effect of it on the expansion of alkali-silica reaction was studied. 以霞石正长岩为代表,研究了含碱集料对碱-硅酸反应膨胀的影响。