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2024-01-26 08:16:16
美[nefəgræm]  英[nefəgræm]
n.  [气]云图


  1. The satellite nephogram indicates that there is going to be a lot of rain in the following days. 卫星云图显示未来几天将有大规模降雨。
  2. Both stress nephogram and stress ribbon image are drawed through changing the colour functions. 由颜色函数的不同设置,可得到应力云图和色带图,用轮廓线追踪法获得应力等值线。
  3. Considering the actual need of hydro-structure design, one algorithm for drawing isoline map or nephogram is proposed in this paper. 结合水工结构设计的实际需要,为实现模型剖面分析结果的可视化,本文提出一种等值线或云图的生成算法。
  4. According to nephogram of stress, the wear mechanism of the conical twin-screw for the processing of wood/plastics composite is also analyzed. 根据螺杆的应力状态,对用于加工木塑复合材料的锥形双螺杆磨损机理进行了分析。
  5. So we introduce concept of multidimensional data cube, image character of nephogram, data of rainfall and so on, as component of data cube. 为此,文中引入了多维数据立方体的概念,云图的图像特征,雨量数据等信息作为立方体的组成部分,实现了有机的结合。
  6. According to nephogram of stress,the wear mechanism of the conical twin-screw for the processing of wood/plastics composite is also analyzed. 根据螺杆的应力状态,对用于加工木塑复合材料的锥形双螺杆磨损机理进行了分析。