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2024-01-26 08:29:17
美[nefrɪtɪk]  英[nefrɪtɪk]
adj.  肾脏的


  1. affected by nephritis
  2. of or relating to the kidneys


  1. Capsule, the seed is oblate, nephritic form. 蒴果,种子扁圆,肾脏形。
  2. What should nephritic patient notice in dietary respect? 肾脏病人应该在饮食方面注意什么?
  3. Author Synopsis: yang da-fu, male , attending physician, bachelor, major in treat nephritic syndrome,cardiovascular diseases and intensive care. 作者简介:杨大赋(1967-),男,主治医师,大学本科,学士,主要从事肾病、心血管病、重症监护临床工作。
  4. Intern:well the diagnosis may be hypertensive heart disease diabetea mellitus with the nephritic syndrome. 实习生:诊断可能是高血压性心脏病,糖尿病肾病综合症。
  5. The main primary diseases of CRF in children are nephritic syndrome and chronic glomerulonephritis. 儿童CRF的原发病以肾病综合征和慢性肾炎为主。
  6. Nephritic coating, renal pelvis and ureter are stimulated or when tensional heighten, all can produce ache. 肾脏包膜、肾盂和输尿管受到刺激或张力增高时,均可产生疼痛。