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2024-01-26 08:47:17
美[nɪfroʊtɪk]  英[nɪfrəʊtɪk]
adj.  [医]肾病的;肾病变的


  1. Treatment of the causative disorder is necessary to control nephrotic syndrome. 在治疗各种原因引起的紊乱时,有效的控制肾病综合征是很有必要的。
  2. Membranous GN is the most common cause for nephrotic syndrome in adults. 膜性肾小球肾炎是成年人肾病综合征最常见的原因。
  3. Membranous nephropathy is a common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults. 膜性肾病是导**致肾病综合症的常见原因。
  4. Preliminary study on autofluorescence spectra of nephrotic serum[J]. 引用该论文 吴敏;丁建华;李建东;王传晶.
  5. The rates of lower IIPC were 83% in acute GN,43% in nephrotic syndrome aam 32% in chronic GN. IIPC低下的发生率依次为急性肾小球肾炎(83%25),肾病综合征(43%25),慢性肾小球肾炎(32%25)。
  6. These findings strongly support the paradigm-shifting concept that the glomerular filter normally leaks albumin at nephrotic leels. 这些发现强有力地支持与传统概念不一致的新概念:正常肾小球滤过膜即漏出肾病范围的白蛋白。