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2024-01-26 08:50:16
美[nefrətɒksɪk]  英[nefrətɒksɪk]
adj.  [医]对肾脏有害处的;足以危害肾脏的


  1. toxic to the kidney


  1. Coadministration of known nephrotoxic drugs should be avoided or minimized. 今后应该作更多关于评价肾功能毒性和功效的数据。
  2. However, many substances of vegetal origin used as herbal remedies can be nephrotoxic [6]. 然而,许多植物源性的物质都有肾毒性。
  3. Acute renal failure mainly occurred in the second week following admission in relation to sepsis and nephrotoxic drugs. 急性肾衰竭发生日多在住院后第二周,多起因于败血症及肾毒性药物。
  4. Howeer, many substances of egetal origin used as herbal remedies can be nephrotoxic [6]. 然而,许多植物源性的物质都有肾毒性。
  5. Avoiding cardiopulmonary bypass and nephrotoxic medications may be advisable for LL patients whenever feasible. LL病患当可行时,应该被建议不要接受心肺绕道、或是使用具肾脏毒性的药物。
  6. METHODS: Nephrotoxic serum nephritis model of rat was cre ated by Clarke s method, and changes in ultrastructure of kidney were examined. 方法:采用大鼠肾毒血清性肾炎模型,常规电镜制片、染色,观察肾组织超微结构的变化。