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2024-01-26 09:12:16
美[nerəlɪ]  英[neərəlɪ]
n.  橙花油


  1. Frankincense, sage grass, Neroli, etc. 成份:乳香、鼠尾草、橙花等。
  2. Top notes: - Neroli, freesia and violet leaf. 中调:-橙花、茉莉及白牡丹。
  3. John Masters Organics.Citrus & Neroli Detangler. 清柔护发素(橘子、橙花).;3
  4. Neroli - steam distilled from the leaves and has a scent similar to Tea Tree. 橙花精油具有抗忧郁、杀菌、抗痉挛和催情效果,亦有温和的镇定作用。
  5. Layer the Neroli Jasmin fragrance by using other products within the range. 动人橙花茉莉清香系列,呵护你的肌肤之余,更能绽放清新气息。
  6. Neroli is used medicinally for treating depression, insomnia, shock and stress. 橙花在医学上被用来治疗沮丧,失眠,打击及压力。