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2024-01-26 09:37:16
美  英
n.  [希神]内萨斯(半人半马怪物)


  1. Build an experimental platform, which running the Nessus, a black hole scanning software, on a Unix server. 、阅读大量的中、外文资料,分析了Nessus这个典型的客户/服务器端漏洞扫描工具的软件结构,加载插件的过程以及NASL脚本语言的编写方法
  2. Hercules himself forded the river, but gave Dejanira to Nessus to be carried across. 海克力斯无所畏惧地迎上去,举起木棒使力打她的头,但是打碎了一个,马上又长出一个来。
  3. Nessus attempted to run away with her, but Hercules heard her cries and shot an arrow into the heart of Nessus. 他把这件事看作一个预兆 ,派人找来底比斯的盲人占卜者提瑞西阿斯。
  4. When they are not leading their armies (which is a rare occasion, indeed), they reside in Nessus. 用这样的方法,领导得以持续,而不会在地狱军队里面造成恐慌。任何猜测到了真相的魔鬼都会被杀掉。
  5. Each rules a legion from each of the layers of Hell, excluding Nessus, where Asmodeus holds his forces for a greater conflict yet to come. 事实上是八魔将好像并不比典型的对这个位置发生兴趣的深狱炼魔更有力量。这些年里面肯定至少有一个八魔将之一丧生在刺客的刀刃下。
  6. On one occasion as he was traveling with his wife, they came to a river, across which the Centaur Nessus carried travelers for a stated fee. 国王安菲特律翁疼爱孩子,把他看作宙斯赐予的礼物,这时他手持宝剑跑来。