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2024-01-26 09:58:17
美[netˌlaɪk]  英[netlaɪk]
adj.  网状的;形成网壮的


  1. having open interstices or resembling a web


  1. Filtering netlike cloth for found. 铸造过滤网简介。
  2. The morphology of abnormal graphites has the three-dimensional interconnection netlike structure. 异常石墨的形态表现出相互联结的立体网络状。
  3. The clear, fluid portion of cytoplasm as distinguished from the granular and netlike components. 透明质细胞质中清澈、液状的部分,区别于颗粒状和网状的部分
  4. The clear,fluid portion of cytoplasm as distinguished from the granular and netlike components. 透明质细胞质中清澈、液状的部分,区别于颗粒状和网状的部分
  5. The fruit of a variety of muskmelon vine,a melon with netlike markings and deep green flesh. 一种甜瓜蔓生植物的果实,瓜皮网状、果肉深绿色的瓜。
  6. Dicotyledons usually show a netlike arrangement whereas monocotyledons generally show a parallel distribution of vein. 双子叶植物主要为网状脉,而单子叶植物主要为平行脉。