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2024-01-26 10:36:16
美[njuːroʊæktɪv]  英[njʊərəʊæktɪv]
adj.  刺激神经组织的


  1. Taurine, a neuroactive sulfonic amino acid contained abundantly in the nervous system is highly concentrated in astrocytes in the supraoptic nucleus of hypothalmus. 牛磺酸是神经系统内含量丰富的含磺酸基的神经活性氨基酸。在下丘脑视上核,牛磺酸主要集中分布在星形胶质细胞内。
  2. Neuroactive steroids have important actions in the prelimbic cortex, which is related to many higher-order brain functions, such as emotion, cognition and psychological disorders. 神经活性活性甾体激素在前额叶皮层具有重要作用,与情绪、认知等高级脑功能活动及精神疾病有密切关系。
  3. DDT, decamethrin and BHC were shown to be able in inducing the release of the neuroactive substance in the haemolymph, but parathron, carbaryl, cartap and chlordimeform failed to produce the neurotoxin. DDT、溴氰菊酯及六六六均能引起血淋巴中毒素的产生,而E605、西维因、巴丹及杀虫脒均无此效果。
  4. Actions of Neuroactive Steroids in Neurons 神经活性甾体对神经元的作用
  5. Neuroactive Steroids: Machanisms of Action and Perspectives 神经活性类固醇作用机制及应用前景
  6. Effects of fluid resuscitation on cerebral extracellular neuroactive amino acids in a rat model of traumatic head injury combined with acute hemorrhagic shock 不同液体对颅脑外伤合并急性失血性休克大鼠脑氨基酸水平的影响