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2024-01-26 10:45:16
美[njʊəroʊdɜːmətaɪtɪs]  英[njʊərəʊdɜːmətaɪtɪs]
n.  [医]神经性皮肤炎


  1. dermatitis in which localized areas (especially the forearms or back of the neck or outer part of the ankle) itch persistently; cause is unknown


  1. Clinical Effect with Photo Chemotherapy for 60 Suffers with Neurodermatitis[J]. 引用该论文 富秋涛;蔡瑞康;杨连禄;王珍玫.
  2. Neurodermatitis is apparently caused by repeated scratching of an itchy skin area. 神经性皮肤炎是由于患者习惯去挠、去抓皮肤,最后把这块皮肤抓成炎症。
  3. Doctor: Let me examine it. Oh, there are two thick patches on it. You have neurodermatitis. 让我检查一下。噢,你颈部有两片厚的皮损。你得了神经性皮炎。
  4. Objective To observe the effect of heparin sodium cream in the treatment of asteatotic eczema and neurodermatitis. 目的观察肝素钠乳膏(海普林)治疗干性湿疹和神经性皮炎的临床效果。
  5. Method The heparin sodium cream was applied topically in 120 patients with asteatotic eczema and neurodermatitis. 方法采用肝素钠乳膏外涂治疗干性湿疹和神经性皮炎共120例。
  6. Doctor: Let me examine it. There are two thick patches on it. I think you have neurodermatitis. 医生:让我检查下。你颈部有两片厚的皮损。我想你得了神经性皮炎。