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2024-01-26 10:50:17
美[ˌnʊrəfaɪbrɪl]  英[ˌnjʊərəfaɪbrɪl]
n.  [解]神经原纤维


  1. Any of the long,fine threads that make up a neurofibril. 神经丝构成神经纤维的长且极细的丝
  2. Any of the long, fine threads that make up a neurofibril. 神经丝构成神经纤维的长且极细的丝
  3. Any threadlike fiber or filament,such as a myofibril or neurofibril,that is a constituent of a cell or larger structure. 原纤维任何如肌原纤维或神经纤维等的线状纤维或丝,是细胞或大一些的结构的组成部分
  4. Any threadlike fiber or filament, such as a myofibril or neurofibril, that is a constituent of a cell or larger structure. 原纤维任何如肌原纤维或神经纤维等的线状纤维或丝,是细胞或大一些的结构的组成部分
  5. any of the long,fine threads that make up a neurofibril 构成神经纤维的长且极细的丝
  6. The basic principles of Al harming to intellect of human were studied.The results show that Al can enter cerebrum and combine with brain neurofibril to form neurofibrillary tangles and senile spots. 铝对人类智能危害的基本原理是铝可进入大脑,与脑神经结合形成脑组织神经原纤维缠结和老年斑。