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2024-01-26 10:59:17
美[ˌnjʊəˌnʊroʊhɔːmoʊn]  英[njʊərəʊhɔːməʊn]
n.  [生化]神经激素


  1. a hormone that is released by nerve impulses (e.g., norepinephrine or vasopressin)


  1. Brain natriuretic peptide(BNP) is a neurohormone secreted mainly in the cardiac ventricles. 脑钠素是一种主要由心室分泌的神经激素。
  2. In recent 20 years, the CHF has entered into the er ea of adjusting neurohormone. 近20年来充血性心力衰竭的治疗进入神经体液调节时代。
  3. Lust is enhanced by dopamine, a neurohormone produced by the hypothalamus that in turn triggers the release of testosterone, the hormone that drives sexual desire. 性欲是由多巴胺增强的,它是一种神经激素,由下视丘启动睾固酮释放出来,那是引发性欲望的激素。
  4. Objective To observe influence of ethology in chronicity stress depression model rat and hippocampus major monamine neurohormone trans -mitter treated by Electroacupuncture. 目的观察电针对慢性应激抑郁模型大鼠行为学和海马单胺类神经递质的影响,探讨电针治疗抑郁可能存在的神经调节机制。
  5. Electroacupuncture and Fluoxetine Hydro -chloride can improve behavior of depressive disorder model rats and the level of monamine neurohormone transmitter. 电针与盐酸氟西汀均可以改善抑郁大鼠的行为及脑内单胺类神经递质水平。
  6. Methods: Detailed demographic information, radionuclide entriculography, neurohormone measurements, and clinical history were obtained for 512 acute MI patients at hospital admission. 方法:在512名急性心肌梗塞的住院患者中细致的人员统计,进行放射性核素心室显像(术),神经内分泌检测,并获取临床病史资料。