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2024-01-26 11:01:17
美[ˌnjʊəˌnʊroʊhaɪpɒfɪsɪs]  英[njʊərəʊhaɪpɒfɪsɪs]
n.  [解]垂体神经部;神经垂体;脑下垂体后叶
  形容词:neurohypophyseal  名词复数:neurohypophyses


  1. the posterior lobe of the pituitary body; primarily glandular in nature


  1. The posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) is the smaller portion at the bottom. 在垂体底部较小的部分是垂体后叶(神经垂体)。
  2. Under the transmission electron microscope,the neurohypophysis was composed of unmyelinated nerve fibers,pituicytes and connective tissue abound in blood capillaries. 在透射电镜下观察,神经垂体主要由无髓神经纤维、垂体细胞及富含毛细血管的结缔组织组成。
  3. The normal microscopic appearance of the pituitary gland is shown here. The adenohypophysis is at the right and the neurohypophysis is at the left. 这是正常垂体的显微镜下形态学改变。右侧为腺垂体,左侧为神经垂体。
  4. The neurohypophysis shown here resembles neural tissue, with glial cells, nerve fibers, nerve endings, and intra-axonal neurosecretory granules. 神经垂体类似神经组织,有神经胶质细胞、神经纤维、神经末梢及轴突内的神经内分泌颗粒。
  5. The inferior aspect of the pituitary is shown at the right.The posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) is the smaller portion at the bottom. 右边为垂体的下面观,垂体后叶(神经垂体)是位于底部较小的部分。
  6. Tumor in stalk and neurohypophysis 神经垂体肿瘤临床影像诊断分析