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2024-01-26 11:18:16
美[ˌnjʊrəpæθɪk]  英[ˌnjʊərəpæθɪk]
adj.  神经病的;神经性的


  1. Lamp god scolds: "Be neuropathic! 灯神骂道:“神经病!
  2. What is the symptom of the neuropath? 神经病患者的症状是什么?
  3. He was already a neuropath before the war. |战前,他的精神就有问题.
  4. The duration of diabetes increased with neuropathic severity. 糖尿病的患病时间将加重神经病变的严重性。
  5. Mental disease and neuropathic what distinction is there? ? ? 精神病与神经病有什么区别???
  6. Gabapentin Acts within the Locus Coeruleus to Alleviate Neuropathic Pain. 加巴喷丁作用于蓝斑核可减轻神经性疼痛。