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2024-01-26 11:20:17
美[njʊəroʊpæθəlɒdʒɪk]  英[njʊərəʊpæθəlɒdʒɪk]
adj.  神经病理学的


  1. The hippocampal sclerosis is the most common neuropathologic finding in patients with medically refractory TLE. 在内科难治性颞叶癫?的患者中,海马硬化是最常见的神经病理学改变。
  2. This neuronal loss is frequently accompanied with astrocytosis,gliosis and specific neuropathologic markers,such as Lewy body in Parkinsons disease. 这种神经元的丢失通常伴有星形胶质细胞增生、神经胶质过多症以及特定的神经病理标记,如帕金森病的路易小体。
  3. Howeer, to our knowledge, the neuropathologic changes in the degenerated disc and surrounding tissues in this model hae not been examined. 但是,就我们目前所致,在这种模型里的退变椎间盘及其周围组织的神经病理改变至今尚未被研究过。
  4. Objective To probe the relationship between the neuropathologic changes of the mammillary body and the clinical features in the patients with malnutrition. 目的探讨营养不良患者乳头体的病理改变与临床表现的关系。
  5. Keywords Huperzine A;isocarbophos;phoxim;neuropathologic change; 哈伯因;水胺硫磷;辛硫磷;神经病理改变;
  6. Mechanism of neuropathologic pain: research progress in the model of spared sciatic nerve injury 揭示神经病理性疼痛机制:坐骨神经分支选择性损伤模型的研究进展