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2024-01-26 11:28:17
美[ˌnʊroʊsaɪkɪk]  英[njʊərəʊsaɪkɪk]
adj.  神经精神的


  1. Objective:To observe the clinical curative effect of hemofiltration(HF) on patients with neuropsychic symptoms in telophase of uraemia. 目的:探讨血液滤过在伴有神经精神症状的终末期尿毒症患者中的应用价值。
  2. ADHD is a common neuropsychic disease in childhood.Though domestic and foreign researches have spent very long time, its mechanism is not so clear. 注意缺陷多动性障碍是一种常见于儿童时期的神经精神疾病,国内外对其研究时间较长,但其发病机制至今未明。
  3. Objective To discuss the manifestations of neuropsychic disturbance and neuroprotenial abnormality resulted from acute arsenic poisoning. 目的探讨急性砷中毒致神经精神障碍与神经电生理异常的临床表现,提高急性砷中毒在临床工作中的认识。
  4. The happen rates of neuropsychic,symptoms,nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea,digitalis poisoning and electrolyte disturbanc of aged group were obviously higher than those of adult group(P 神经精神症状、夜间阵发性呼吸困难、洋地黄中毒、电解质紊乱发生率老年组明显高于成年组(P<0.;05)。
  5. Neuropsychic manifestation of eight cases of thallium poisoning 铊中毒八例的神经精神表现
  6. Keywords Touch;physical growth;Neuropsychic behaviour development; 扶触;体格发育;神经精神行为发育;