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2024-01-26 11:36:16
美[ˌnjʊəˌnʊroʊˌreɪdiːɒlədʒiː]  英[njʊərəʊreɪdɪɒlədʒɪ]
n.  [医]神经系放射学;神经辐射学
  形容词:neuroradiological  名词:neuroradiologist


  1. Conclusion Interventional neuroradiology has good prospects in the fields of cerebrovascular disease. 结论神经介入治疗技术为脑血管疾病的诊断治疗开辟了广阔的前景。
  2. We developed a personal computer X-ray reporting and data base recording system for the Neuroradiology Division of our hospital. 摘要我们替本院神经放射科发展了一个利用个人电脑制作X光报告及登录X光报告记录之电脑系统。
  3. Method All patients were examined by clinical neurology,neuroradiology (CT/MRI/DSA) and identified operatively and pathologically.All samples were studied histopathologically. 方法所有病例据神经病学、神经影像学(CT、MRI或DSA)检查,经手术及神经病理证实,手术标本作组织病理学研究。
  4. Studies of rare vascular lesions in the central nervous system, such as cavernous angiomas in the medulla oblongata, are made accessible through modern neuroradiology. 摘要近年来放射线的进步使我们更深入了解在延髓中少见的中枢神经系统海绵状血管瘤损害。
  5. He is the deputy director of Beijing Institute of Neurosurgery and the director-doctor of Interventional Neuroradiology Department of Beijing Tiantan Hospital. 现任北京市神经外科研究所副所长、北京天坛医院介入神经放射科主任医师。
  6. Minimally invasive interventional neuroradiology is becoming an important means for management of cerebrovascluar diseases, and taking place of traditional surgical treatment. 微创的神经介入治疗正逐渐取代传统的外科手术治疗,成为脑血管病治疗的一种重要手段。