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2024-01-26 12:04:17
美[ˌnjuːtrələzeɪʃən]  英[ˌnjʊtrəlɪzeɪʃən]
n.  中和作用; 使 ... 失效
sp.  =neutralization(美)


  1. a chemical reaction in which an acid and a base interact with the formation of a salt; with strong acids and bases the essential reaction is the combination of hydrogen ions with hydroxyl ions to form water
  2. (euphemism) the removal of a threat by killing or destroying it (especially in a covert operation or military operation)
  3. action intended to keep a country politically neutral or exclude it from a possible war;

    "the neutralization of Belgium"

  4. action intended to nullify the effects of some previous action


  1. No neutralisation will be granted in the last kilometre and any rider not ending the race will not be placed. 如果事故出现在最后1公里;就没有中立圈.;没有完成比赛的运动员均不排名次
  2. Personally I was glad there were no neutralisation periods in the race, as my strategy had not been based on the possible arrival of the Safety Car. 从我个人来说,我很高兴比赛中没有出现这种情况,因为我的战略不是基于可能会出安全车来制定的。
  3. The Virus Neutralisation Test (VNT) is considered the definitive test to determine whether an animal has had the virus in its system. 病毒中性试验检测(VNT)被认为是确定动物体内是否有该病毒的权威测试。
  4. There shall be no neutralisation in the last 2,000 m of the race.The team shall be placed according to the laps won or lost and the points won up to the moment of the accident. 在比赛进入最后2000公尺后不设立中立圈.;此时出现事故的队只能根据在发生事故时的超脱圈数和获得的分数;编排最后名次
  5. The field investigation were performed by measuring activity of original and neutralisation bamboo vinegar on apple, orange, loquat, strawberry, waxberry, pak-choi and rice at two provinces in China. 摘要在南北方2省8地对原竹醋液和中和竹醋液在苹果、柑橘、枇杷、草莓、杨梅、桑果、桑叶、水稻等作物上进行应用试验。
  6. A dwell unit for soaping and other processes follows the initial washing compartments. Final rinsing and neutralisation are repeated in the subsequent Trikoflex washing compartments. 初水洗区后的堆置单元可用作皂洗和其他整理,后面的Trikoflex水洗机再重复清洗和中和。