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2024-01-26 14:13:17
美  英
abbr.  新兴工业化国家(=newly industrialized country)


  1. Haha, I almost laughed my head off, when I saw Nic. 通常指捧腹大笑,无法控制住自己的情绪。所以用“笑得头要掉下来了”来表示狂笑。
  2. I hope he gets here quick, I need a St. Nic[...... 您浏览了太多的页面,所以您无法看到该页的内容...
  3. Try to reload or upgrade the NIC driver. 尝试重装或升级网卡驱动程序。
  4. Ling: Nic to meet you, Jenny. Are you from the United States? 珍妮;很高兴见到你.;你来自美国吗?
  5. Failed to open primary adapter of a redundant NIC pair. 未能打开重复NIC对的主要适配器。
  6. Failed to open secondary adapter of a redundant NIC pair. 未能打开重复NIC对的次要适配器。