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2024-01-26 15:13:17
美[nɪeloʊ]  英[nɪeləʊ]
n.  黑金镶嵌;镶嵌用的乌银
  名词:niellist  名词复数:nielli  过去式:nielloed  过去分词:nielloed  现在分词:nielloing  第三人称单数:niellos


  1. To decorate or inlay with niello. 用黑色合金装饰或镶嵌
  2. In Russia niello work is known as Tula work. 在俄国,黑金镶嵌制品被称为图拉工艺品。
  3. The contrast of the black niello against the bright surface produces an attractive decorative effect. 黑色镶嵌与明亮表面的反差产生富有魅力的装饰效果。
  4. The one-armed smith had left few personal effects: the cup, six pennies and a copper star, a niello brooch with a broken clasp, a musty brocade doublet that bore the stag of Storms End. 独臂铁匠个人遗产极少:这个酒杯、六个便士一个铜板、一枚扣子坏了的乌银领针、一件绣着风息堡雄鹿的霉烂织锦对襟上衣,没了。
  5. Nielli (objects decorated with niello) were produced in ancient Rome and 9th-century England. In Russia niello work is known as Tula work. 黑金制品(带黑金镶嵌装饰的物品)由古罗马人和9世纪的英国人制造。在俄国黑金镶嵌制品称为图拉工艺品。
  6. "After the excess niello is scraped away, the surface is polished." 将多余的黑金刮掉,再将表面拋光。