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2024-01-26 15:15:16
美  英
adj.  尼采哲学的
n.  尼采哲学的研究家


  1. In Nietzschean philosophy, moral philosophy is a very important aspect. 在尼采哲学中,道德哲学是一个非常重要的方面。
  2. And so, a Nietzschean laughter meanwhile runs through the historian’s text. 世博会之后,法国人没有舍得把大铁塔拆除。
  3. He could never cross it and explain to them his position, - the Nietzschean position, in regard to socialism. 午后的一班邮件带来了一封露丝的信。
  4. The youth rebellion of the 1960s had many elements of Nietzschean radical existentialism. 1960年代的叛逆青年,就有很多尼采的极端存在主义的元素。
  5. Kiyama realized that Lu Xun’s philosophy has his own unique features besides Nietzschean decisiveness. 自我与他人都被罪感所缠绕,于是只能陷于苦难的大泽。
  6. In the same way, Nietzschean metaphysics and aestheticism deal with Life rather than perception. 尼采去世已逾百年,而他的幽灵却出没在这一百多年的历史之中。