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2024-01-26 15:55:16
美[naɪtˌsaɪd]  英[naɪtˌsaɪd]
n.  夜面;阴面


  1. In the nightside eclipse.... yeah... 我听过的第一张黑金属专辑...
  2. The nightside sky is an infinite lattice of shining hairlines that interlock planetoids and track er ratic spirals of glowing gnats. 背阴面的天空是一个由闪耀的细线交织而成的广阔网络,串联着许多小行星以及牵引着大量以螺旋形轨迹漂浮着的细小物体。
  3. Once the spacecraft passes Pluto, it will turn around and map the planets nightside, which will be softly illuminated by the reflected moonlight from Charon. 一旦太空船通过冥王星,它就会调头摄取冥王星背日面的影像,冥卫一表面所反射出来的月光会淡淡地照亮著背日面。
  4. Niu openings around the earth Leung, Article Qing Wan, Wan Ching Ming, the top Middle Bay, China bifurcated Yinshan nightside of the ridge, and so on, for burial area. 牛门洞周围的大地梁、庆条湾、清明湾、中湾顶、华岔阴山等山梁的阴面,多为墓葬区。
  5. Sometimes, they happen to see the orbits of exoplanets edge-on.In those cases, the planet alternately shows more of its dayside and then more of its nightside as it circles its star. 有时,天文学家们碰巧从侧面观察到系外行星的轨道,在这种情况下,行星在围绕恒星旋转的时候就会交替地呈现出有时光面较多、有时暗面较多。
  6. The nightsides sheet of artificial lights faded behind the red-white glow from craters of burning steel; 燃烧着的钢铁上的弹坑散发出炽热的光芒,使得背阴面的人工白昼黯然失色;