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2024-01-26 15:57:16
美[naɪtstɪk]  英[naɪtstɪk]
n.  警棍


  1. a short stout club used primarily by policemen


  1. If you want to experience mace and nightstick. 在美国不需要申请吗?
  2. He was abreast of the limousine. He tapped its fender with his nightstick. 他停住脚步,用短棒把轿车的挡泥板敲了几下。
  3. Brainstorm is shot down and the key is taken from him, but when the Hive leaves Brainstorm graps Nightstick and scans him. Brainstorm 被击落,而且他手里的那把钥匙也被夺走了。但是当 Hive 离开时,Brainstorm 抓住了 Nightstick 并且扫描了他。
  4. The cop pulled the guy out of the car and hit him with a nightstick for about a minute and then said, “Would you like for me to stop or just slow down? 于是警察把这个人从车里拽出来,用警棍打了他一会儿,然后说:“你是想让我停止还是只是减减速呢?”