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2024-01-26 16:45:16
美[nɪŋkəmpuːp]  英[nɪŋkəmpuːp]
n.  笨人;傻子


  1. a stupid foolish person


  1. A person without regrets is a nincompoop! 人生无憾,必是傻瓜!
  2. A person without regrets is a nincompoop. 人生无憾,必是傻瓜。
  3. Im out of sorts because I cant find the nincompoop who botched up the report. 我之所以烦恼是因为我找不到那个把报告搞糟的笨蛋。
  4. Every nincompoop in the land rushed into free print, floating their wizened little egos into the public eye on the surge of Brissendens greatness. 一家报纸说:“前不久我们收到一位先生寄来的信,他写了一首诗,很像布里森登,只是更加高明。”
  5. Every nincompoop in the land rushed into free print, floating their wizened little egos into the public eye on the surge of Brissendens greatness. 一家报纸说:“前不久我们收到一位先生寄来的信,他写了一首诗,很像布里森登,只是更加高明。”
  6. Such a nincompoop! 真是个饭桶!