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2024-01-26 17:12:16
美[naɪnθlɪ]  英[naɪnθlɪ]
adv.  第九;在第位;在第九个


  1. Ninthly, unfolded the epidemic prevention work after disaster. 九是及时开展灾后防疫工作。
  2. Ninthly, what kind of system does harmonious development need? 九、和谐发展需要什麽样的制度安排?
  3. Ninthly, more expense on traffic and communication is seen by countryside but with insufficient potential. 第九,虽然交通通讯是江苏农村居民消费重点,但是发展潜力不够;
  4. Ninthly, We hope that this design can show Guizhous characteristics to all travellers and feel warm when natives see it. 九、希望本次设计的效果能让外地人看到是贵州的特色,让本地人看到是亲切的。
  5. "Ninthly: it is a fact that any day gendarmes can be overheard relating in the court-yard of the prefecture the interrogations put by the magistrates to prisoners. 第九:我们在警署的院子里,确实每天都能听到警察在谈论司法官审问嫌疑犯的内容。
  6. Ninthly, an appraisal system is set up in the field of establishment of marketing strategy.The uncertainty and risk in the process are analyzed and control measures are put forward accordingly. 第九,对营销策略的制定与实施构建评价系统,并对实施中的不确定性和风险加以分析,提出相应的控制措施。