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2024-01-26 17:19:17
美[nɪp]  英[nɪp]
v.  小饮
n.  少量;小口(尤指烈酒)
  过去式:nipped  过去分词:nipped  现在分词:niping  第三人称单数:nips


  1. a small drink of liquor;

    "he poured a shot of whiskey"

  2. (offensive slang) offensive term for a person of Japanese descent
  3. the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
  4. the property of being moderately cold;

    "the chilliness of early morning"

  5. a tart spicy quality
  6. a small sharp bite or snip
  1. squeeze tightly between the fingers;

    "He pinched her behind" "She squeezed the bottle"

  2. give a small sharp bite to;

    "The Queens corgis always nip at her staffs ankles"

  3. sever or remove by pinching or snipping;

    "nip off the flowers"


  1. I nipped my finger in the door.我的手指被门夹了一下。
  2. The dog nipped the postman on the leg.那只狗咬了邮递员的腿。
  3. Dont nip any stalks off the plant.别掐断植物茎。
  4. The icy breeze nipped the young blooms.寒风摧残了初绽的花朵。
  5. She wanted to be an actress, but her father soon nipped that idea in the bud.她想当演员,但她父亲一知道这个想法就阻止住了。
  6. They never lost a chance to nip at him or steal his possessions.他们一有机会就咬他,偷他的东西。
  1. The dog gave me a nasty nip on the leg.那狗在我腿上狠咬了一口。
  2. There is a nip in the air today.今天寒气袭人。