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2024-01-26 17:34:16
美  英
n.  (历法)尼散月(即犹太教历1月;犹太国历7月;在公历3、4月间;共30天)


  1. the seventh month of the civil year; the first month of the ecclesiastic year (in March and April)


  1. Nisan Szieger did the fish slapping dance with me! 在最佳的场所成功地进行了休息。
  2. It is celebrated on the 14th day of the month of Nisan which is either in the month of March or April. 庆祝此节日始于圣历的一月十四日,相当于三月或四月份。
  3. Chapter 2 is in the first month of the year, the month Nisan and in it Nehemiah receives permission from the king to return to Jerusalem. 第二章就是当年的第一月,尼散月,尼希米得到亚达薛西王的允许回到耶路撒冷。
  4. A holiday beginning on the14th of Nisan and traditionally continuing for eight days, commemorating the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. 逾越节开始于犹太教历七月十四日,并按惯例持续八天的节日,用来纪念犹太人从埃及的奴役下解放出来
  5. The Feast of Unleavened Bread (fifteenth of Nisan) accompanied the celebrations of the Passover. 无酵节(尼散月第十五日)伴随在逾越节之后。
  6. Passover is always celebrated at a full moon in the month of Nisan the first month of the Jewish Religious calendar. 逾越节是在犹太宗教日历第一个月尼散月的满月举行。